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Three good reasons to choose a Drone relief


It saves valuable time: a drone relief is usually faster than a normal relief and certainly involves less resources.


With a drone you can easily and quickly access areas that are usually difficult to reach: no more difficulties and distances.


With only one overflight, you can get different output types: 2D and 3D surveys and much more. This consequently means a cheaper affair.


In order to satisfy every customer’s request, we can offer different services with different specific equipment. If necessary, in order to offer complete and efficient services, we can rely on many collaborators and professionals.

2D topographical surveys

2D topographical surveys

When no altitudes are required but only a photographic representation from above we make a photogrammetry with 2D drone. For example for cadastral maps overlays.

3D surveys of areas and plots

3D surveys of areas and plots

Aerial survey with drone to obtain the level curves of the relief area and the creation of digital terrain models (DSM and DTM). These are useful for potential use in the future and to understand the movement of the ground.

3D surveys of buildings and structures

3D surveys of buildings and structures

Architectural drone reliefs with the aim of obtaining a 3D model and a point cloud survey. These are useful for example to create building plans and graphic representations.

Remote inspections with drone

Remote inspections with drone

Drone inspections and analysis of structures, roofs, antennas, power lines, bridges and buildings with video and/or photographs production.

LIDAR surveys with drone

LIDAR surveys with drone

Drone surveys using LIDAR technology to perform surveys in the open field but also in wooded areas.

Drone rental with operator

Drone rental with operator

Drone rental service with operators only for the relief parts or images without processing.

Aerial shooting with drone

Aerial shooting with drone

Production of aerial videos and aerial photo shoots with drone from points of view normally inaccessible.

Technical support / Surveyor

Technical support / Surveyor

Surveyor’s knowledge consultancy services, such as planning, cadastral and topographic services, and construction site security.


Depending on the request, we have different types of Drone. Thanks to our Network we are able to organize flyovers equipped with high technology equipment.

DJI Mavic 2 PRO

Autel EVO 2 RTK for precision surveys

DJI Mavic mini for congested areas: it weighs less than other drones with its 250gr

Customer portfolio


3D drone surveys of residential and industrial buildings

Ispezioni e monitoraggi aree difficilmente raggiungibili

3D surveys of areas and plots

LIDAR surveys with drone


The On-Drones team consists mainly of Nicolò Orler, company’s founder and surveyor. In order to achieve the goal with the highest precision and professionalism, at his side work some collaborators depending on the necessary help needed.
A dynamic and responsible Team, which is in constant evolution and formation.

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